In Stock Now – Current Available Chickens

To confirm availability please Call or Text (+61 407 659927). This page is updated regularly. Please bring a suitable box or pet carrier to transport your chickens home. We sell quality feed & supplies for chickens and chicks. We recommend purchasing our feed for new chickens for a smooth transition. We accept cash, EFTPOS or credit card (2% surcharge). STOCK PICKUP IS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY call or text for an appointment – Open Monday & Friday 8am til 5pm or Saturday 8am til 2pm. Feed purchases require no appointment on Monday, Friday or Saturday. CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS

Chicken Supplier for Sale at Evans Chickens
We have all supplies needed for chickens except the coop.

PURE BREED & HYBRID CHICKS REQUIRING HEAT** – onset of lay approximately 24 Weeks* Chicks need a heat source until at least 6/8 weeks and medicated starter feed . We sell heat lamps, heat plates, brooder kits, feed and medication. (chicks will require their own pen separate from mature flock until they are at least 16 Weeks):

FUTURE DAY OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatching January 21st. Possible breeds avaliable Light sussex, lavender sussex, dark barred plymouth rock, black australorp or hybrid white leghorn – UNSEXED chicks $15 each. Female cream legbar chicks $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

DAY OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched January 7th. Breeds avaliable Light sussex, lavender sussex, dark barred plymouth rock, black australorp – UNSEXED chicks $15 each. Hybrid White Leghorn unsexed chicks $10 each. Female cream legbar chicks $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

THREE WEEK OLD HYLINE BROWN CHICKS: Hatched December 19th. Female hyline browns chicks $19 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox, coryza & IB.

FOUR WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched December 17th. Breeds available – Light sussex, lavender sussex, black australorp or cream legbar – female chicks $45 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $24 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox & coryza.

SIX WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched December 3rd. Breeds available- Light sussex, lavender sussex or cream legbar – female chicks $55 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $25 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox and coryza.

Baby Chicks in Australorp & Light Sussex

PULLETS PEN READY (pullets will require grower/starter feed, protection from the elements & their own pen separate from mature flock until they are at least 18 Weeks):


SEVEN WEEK OLD HYLINE BROWN PULLETS $25 each female chickens. Vaccinated for mareks, IB, fowl pox & coryza.

EIGHT WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED PULLET: Hatched November 19th. Breeds available – Lavender sussex, black australorp or cream legbar – female chicks $70 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

TEN WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED PULLETS: Hatched November 5th. Breeds available – Lavender sussex, black australorp or cream legbar – female chicks $75 each. Some female hybrid white leghorn chicks available $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks, coryza & fowl pox.

THIRTEEN WEEK OLD HYBRID PULLETS: Hatched October 24th. Female Isa browns $30 each or female isa whites pullets $40 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox & IB.

LIGHT SUSSEX – 21 week old female pullets $90 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

CREAM LEGBAR – 16 week old pullets $90 each (limited stock available) vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox and coryza.

Point of Lay Hybrids (16-20 weeks)-onset of lay 20-24 weeks*

HYLINE (ISA) BROWNS PULLETS – $35 each – vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox, coryza & IB. Guaranteed female just starting to lay. Will keep laying if fed and housed correctly.

Eggs & Roosters


Roosters: Contact us for available roosters. Ranging from $60-$120.

  • Monday 8am-5pm
  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday open by appointment only.
  • Friday 8am – 6pm
  • Saturday 8am – 2pm
  • Sunday & Public Holidays CLOSED

*Onset of lay for pullets is dependent on correct feed, sunlight access and a stress free environment.

**Pullet Guarantee:  If you purchase a professionally sexed pullet from us the instrument sexing is 97% accurate. If by chance, your pullet turns out to be a rooster, we will offer you a credit or refund of your purchase price on return of the healthy rooster to us. Sometimes we may be able swap for a pullet but this is at our discretion and stock availability.