Cream Legbar Chickens

Blue Eggs

Cream Legbar chickens lay a blue egg and are a soft feather light breed. Female chicks can be found at a day old by the colour of their feathering.

Egg color: Light blue or green
Egg size: Medium
Age of lay: 5-6 months
Eggs/week: 3-4
Eggs/year: 150-200

Classified: rare, soft feather light fowl.

Cream Legbars tend to start laying at around 5-6 months of age and they lay 150-200 eggs a year. The hens tend to take a break from laying eggs in winter. The cream legbar hen lays an egg colour which is a either sky blue or light green.

Cream legbars are an alert and active breed. Some can be a little flighty and this helps them to avoid predators.

Some hens can tend to be broody and may well make good mothers.

One of the great qualities of the cream legbar chicks is that you can tell their sex at hatch as they are an auto sexing breed. Female cream legbar chicks have very dark brown chipmunk stripes running down their backs. Male cream legbar chicks have a much lighter almost diffused striping and a light coloured spot on their heads. Fertility on the eggs is also high.

Female Chick with dark brown stripe,
Male Chick with light spot on head.

The Cream Legbar is a light fowl, with males weighing 2.5-3kg and females weighing 2-2.7kg. It has a triangular shaped body with a long, flat back.
They have a single red comb with 6 points, wattles are also red. Earlobes are cream or white. Eyes reddish bay in colour and the beak is yellow to horn coloured. The beak has a slight downward curve.

Both sexes have a crest which should not fall forward otherwise it will obstruct their vision.
The neck is long leading down to a full breast. The bird is moderately broad at the shoulders leading into a flat slightly sloped back.

Males hold their tails at 45 degrees, the hens slightly less. Wings are held close to the body.
The coloration of the Cream Legbar is a combination of cream and greys. The barring is most noticeable on the tail and breast of the males. Females barring is much more subtle and she may have some salmon colour to her neck and breast.
Legs should be clean, yellow in colour and have four toes. They have an upright, alert carriage. The skin also is yellow. More details about the breed are available on the club site: