In Stock Now – Current Available Chickens

To confirm availability please Call or Text (+61 407 659927). This page is updated regularly. Please bring a suitable box or pet carrier to transport your chickens home. We sell quality feed & supplies for chickens and chicks. We recommend purchasing our feed for new chickens for a smooth transition. We accept cash, EFTPOS or credit card (2% surcharge). STOCK PICKUP IS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY call or text for an appointment – Open Monday & Friday 8am til 5pm or Saturday 8am til 2pm. Feed purchases require no appointment on Monday, Friday or Saturday. CLOSED PUBLIC HOLIDAYS

Chicken Supplier for Sale at Evans Chickens
We have all supplies needed for chickens except the coop.

PURE BREED & HYBRID CHICKS REQUIRING HEAT** – onset of lay approximately 24 Weeks* Chicks need a heat source until at least 6/8 weeks and medicated starter feed . We sell heat lamps, heat plates, brooder kits, feed and medication. (chicks will require their own pen separate from mature flock until they are at least 16 Weeks):

FUTURE DAY OLD HYBRID FEMALE CHICKS: Hatching March 6th available March 7th. Hybrid white leghorn, hybrid black australorp or isa brown day old female chicks $17 each. Isa brown female chicks 10 for $140. Vaccinated for mareks &IB. Text to preorder.

FUTURE DAY OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatching February 4th. Possible breeds avaliable Light sussex, lavender sussex, dark barred plymouth rock, black australorp or hybrid white leghorn – UNSEXED chicks $15 each. Female cream legbar chicks $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

DAY OLD HYBRID FEMALE CHICKS: Hatched February 6th. Hybrid white leghorn female chicks $17 each or isa brown day old female chicks $15 each. Isa brown female chicks 10 for $140. Vaccinated for mareks &IB. Text to collect Friday 7th, Saturday 8th or Monday 10th

DAY OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched February 4th. Breeds avaliable Light sussex, gold wyandotte, black australorp or hybrid white leghorn – UNSEXED chicks $15 each. Female cream legbar chicks $30 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

THREE WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched January 21st. Breeds avaliable: Light sussex, lavender sussex, black australorp or hybrid white leghorn – UNSEXED chicks $23 each. Female cream legbar chicks $40 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

FIVE WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched January 7th. Breeds avaliable Light sussex, lavender sussex, dark barred plymouth rock, black australorp – UNSEXED chicks $50 each. Hybrid White Leghorn unsexed chicks $25 each. Female cream legbar chicks $50 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

Baby Chicks in Australorp & Light Sussex

PULLETS PEN READY (pullets will require grower/starter feed, protection from the elements & their own pen separate from mature flock until they are at least 18 Weeks):


SEVEN WEEK OLD HYLINE BROWN CHICKS: Hatched December 19th. Female hyline browns chicks $25 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox, coryza & IB.

EIGHT WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched December 17th. Breeds available – Light sussex or cream legbar – female chicks $65 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $40 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox & coryza.

TEN WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED CHICKS: Hatched December 3rd. Breeds available- Light sussex, lavender sussex or cream legbar – female chicks $75 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $45 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox and coryza.

ELEVEN WEEK OLD HYLINE BROWN PULLETS $30 each female chickens. Vaccinated for mareks, IB, fowl pox & coryza. (living with the 12 week old heritage breed)

TWELVE WEEK OLD HERITAGE PURE BREED PULLETS: Hatched November 19th. Breeds available – Lavender sussex(1), light sussex (1) or cream legbar – female chicks $85 each. Female hybrid white leghorn chicks $35 each. Vaccinated for mareks, coryza and fowl pox.

Point of Lay Pullets (16-20 weeks)-onset of lay 20-30 weeks*

SIXTEEN WEEK OLD HYBRID PULLETS: Hatched October 24th. Female isa whites pullets $50 each. Vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox & IB. LIMITED STOCK

LIGHT SUSSEX – 25 week old female pullets $90 each. Vaccinated for mareks.

HYLINE (ISA) BROWNS PULLETS – $35- vaccinated for mareks, fowl pox, coryza & IB. Guaranteed female will start laying if fed and housed correctly in 0-6 weeks. Pickup available from Saturday 8th February.

Eggs & Roosters


Roosters: Contact us for available roosters. Ranging from $60-$120.

  • Monday 8am-5pm
  • Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday open by appointment only.
  • Friday 8am – 6pm
  • Saturday 8am – 2pm
  • Sunday & Public Holidays CLOSED

*Onset of lay for pullets is dependent on correct feed, sunlight access and a stress free environment.

**Pullet Guarantee:  If you purchase a professionally sexed pullet from us the instrument sexing is 97% accurate. If by chance, your pullet turns out to be a rooster, we will offer you a credit or refund of your purchase price on return of the healthy rooster to us. Sometimes we may be able swap for a pullet but this is at our discretion and stock availability.

How to Trim a Chicken’s Wing

Some breeds of chickens are more flighty than others. To hinder them flying it is possible to trim their wing. ONLY TRIM ONE WING PER BIRD!

First have someone hold the chicken for you with the wing out stretched. Look for the primary feathers – they are the longer ones at the front.

    Trim the primary feathers about 5 to 7 cm on one wing only. Remember that wings are like fingernails, if you over trim the wing, it will bleed.

    Never trim the cover feathers. You can also trim the secondary feathers (the ones behind the primary feathers)

    By cutting only the primary feathers, when the wing is closed, your chickens still look pretty. Her efforts at flying will be once sided though!

    Clipping causes a bird to lack the balance needed for flight but lasts only until new feathers grow during the next molt, which may be a few months in young birds or up to a year for older ones.

    Day Old Hybrid Female Laying Chicks Now Available

    Day old Hyline chicks available pick up Maraylya NW Sydney from today August 16th $15 each or 6 for $80. Vaccinated for mareks and fowl pox. 

    We will also have day old hybrid white Leghorns $17 and black hybrid australorps $17 available August 31st.

    We sell chick feed, feeders, waterers, shavings  and supplies for chickens. We also have brooders and heat lamps for sale or hire. Contact us for details 0407659927

    Hyline Brown Chicks
    Hybrid Australorp Chicks
    White Hybrid Leghorn Chicks

    Hyline Browns – Excellent Layers

    Believe it or not, the Hyline Brown is not only extremely friendly but one of the best laying breeds in the world.

    It’s easy to fall in love with the friendly nature of Hyline’s and their endless curiosity. Hylines are a willing and robust companion for small children too and will often squat to be picked up.

    But where did she come from?

    The Hyline first emerged about 90 years ago in Iowa, USA. She is the brainchild of egg farmers looking for a breed that would meet the needs of a growing population. In Australia SBA owns the licence to breed the Hyline Brown and they do an excellent job.

    It is said that Hylines are a protected blend of prized reliable layers, respectively the Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire. This extraordinary bird is thanks largely to science and breeding for desirable qualities.

    As a result, here is a hen that if fed a high-grade diet, will give you an egg a day for almost 2 years! Amazingly, (because she doesn’t normally go into moult or go broody) it’s possible for her to continue supplying eggs for up to 5 years.

    What’s more, thanks to the quality assurance methods in place for breeding, she’s better equipped to cope with many of the common poultry ailments. Therefore, with your daily loving care, it’d be a rare trip to the vet for any of these girls.

    But in your own backyard terms, that means more eggs per box of feed compared to other breeds. Keep up her 16% or 17% protein feed and reap the benefits.

    Plenty day olds in stock and ready for you to start your journey with backyard chickens or to add to your flock. Contact us today to make an appointment to collect some Hylines.

    Avian influenza has been found in Sydney and backyard poultry keepers can help prevent the spread.

    Avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, has been detected in the Hawkesbury region, at two large poultry farms near Freemans Reach in June 2024. Evans Chickens are not in the exclusion zone, as we are located over 13 kilometres from the affected area. We are still open to purchase chickens, feed & supplies. As a precaution, we have confined all of our free-range stock to pens with adequate space and protection, where they can still dig, scratch, and dust bathe.

    As backyard poultry keepers, you too can help to limit the spread and reduce the risk to your own flock. We suggest that you do not allow your flock to free-range until the bird flu threat subsides. Limiting your poultry’s exposure to wild birds is paramount and we suggest covering your pens with bird netting. Keeping water for your flock clean is also very important; we suggest chlorinating rainwater tanks if this is what your chickens are consuming.

    People with backyard flocks should ensure their footwear is kept clean and wear specific footwear when visiting their chickens. For instance, we have separate on-farm and off-farm footwear to prevent walking in diseases. Always wash your hands before and after handling poultry or eggs. Additionally, quarantine new birds before integrating them into your flock.

    The emergency control order can be found here and is in effect until December 19th 2024 and restricts poultry movement and sales in the above area. Small poultry flocks should be less likely to be exposed to bird flu but wild birds do pose a significant risk. Risk factor does increase with higher numbers of chickens. Further information can be found on Department of Primary Industries website or contact your local vet.

    Preventing the further spread of avian influenza is crucial, and the public plays a vital role in this effort. Individuals are encouraged to report any signs of illness in their backyard poultry or wild birds to the relevant authorities. Maintaining good hygiene practices, such as thoroughly cooking poultry and eggs and avoiding contact with sick or dead birds, can help mitigate the risk of transmission to humans.

    The recent detection of avian influenza in several Australian states has prompted a swift response from the government and public health authorities. Strict biosecurity measures have been implemented to limit the spread of the virus, including the culling of infected flocks, movement restrictions, and enhanced surveillance. Poultry producers are working closely with officials to ensure their operations adhere to the necessary protocols to safeguard their birds and the broader industry.

    If you see unusual signs of disease or suspect an exotic disease in your poultry, immediately call your veterinarian, an LLS District Vet or the Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) Hotline 1800 675 888.

    How to worm your chickens.

    Worming your chickens on a regular basis will improve the life of your chickens. Worms take the nutrient from your chickens, cause blood loss, anemia and sometimes kill.

    Many unknown ailments in chickens that can be helped or cured by a good worm and lice treatment. Evans Chickens suggest that you do this every 3-4 months along with a complete pen clean. Read our separate post on lice & mite treatments.

    Using a poultry approved product is easy and simple. Please do not worm your chickens with cattle, sheep or ornamental bird products unless under the advice of a qualified veterinarian. It makes no sense to us to keep chickens for eggs and then to potentially have to throw away their eggs for 2 or more weeks because the product you have just used to worm or lice treat them can carry thru to their eggs. Companies invest large amounts of research into appropriate products for egg producing chickens. Just remember that what your chicken eats, goes into their eggs and ultimately you, if you consume them.

    Evans Chickens has available for sale, various products to treat your flock for worms, lice and mites. All these products are approved for use on poultry and have no egg withholding period, so you can still eat your delicious eggs while looking after your flock.


    is an in water wormer – Effective treatment for Ascaridia galli (intestinal round worm), Heterakis gallinae (duodenum round worm) and Capillaria obsignata (intestinal round worm. Chickens need to have water withheld overnight and then this be their only drinking water for 6 hours. Chickens can resist this product as they get older as it has a bitter taste. This is the active ingredient in Kilverm (purchase here) and Sykes Big L Wormer for Poultry & Pigs.


    is an in-feed wormer which contains flubendazole, a broad-spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic which can be used as an aid in the control of sensitive strains of the most important gastrointestinal worm species that commonly occur in chickens. This wormer has recently been approved for use in Australia, but has been used in Europe for some time. Flubenol treats roundworms Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria spp., and tapeworms (the only approved product that treats tapeworm ) (Raillietina sp.). Chickens are fed medicated feed, as per directions on the packet, as only feed for 7 consecutive days.

    We find that this is the easiest method to worm your chickens as it is simply in their food and they happily peck away. This product is mainly used on commercial chicken farms. Contact us for more details or 600g (purchase here).

    Apple Cider Vinegar:

    In terms of its worming capabilities, apple cider vinegar acts as a mild antiseptic and also a mild antibiotic. Apple cider vinegar will kill some bacteria and germs, and deter worms from making a home in your chickens. Again, it’s not a 100% guaranteed treatment, but still beneficial to feed to your chickens.

    Treatments for lice and mites on chickens.

    Lice and Eggs on White Chicken Vent
    Lice on chicken

    Lice and mites are common pests that affect chickens. They can be difficult to get rid of and can lead to major issues for the flock. Here are some treatment for lice & mites on chickens

    Every 3-4 months chickens can be treated with maldison or pestene. If you find active lice or mites you should repeat the treatment in a week. Every change of season clean out the bedding, spray the pen with maldison, coopex or pirethrin. Dust with lime or staldren and replace bedding. Sprinkle the nesting box with pestene, DE or maldison powder so that when the girls sit in there to lay they are not laying into a bed of pest.

    There are many different treatments available on the market that you can use to treat lice or mites in your chickens. You should always consult with a vet before using any treatment that does not follow the label and be sure to read the instructions carefully.

    All of these pests irritate, cause them discomfort and sometimes premature death of your chicken flock. There are effective lice & mite treatments for chickens. Many unknown ailments in chickens that can be helped or cured by a good worm and lice treatment and we suggest that you do this every 3-4 months along with a complete pen clean. Read our separate post on worm treatments.

    Red mite can infest your house and bite humans. Wild birds can carry lice and mites and steal your feed. Try to stop wild birds accessing your pen. Keeping a dust bathing area for your flock will help.

    With all the humidity this year the population of lice and mites has increased dramatically and here are the ways that we suggest to treat your flock to make their life more comfortable.

    Maldison 50:

    is available as a powder (see poultry dust below) or liquid. The powder can be sprinkled on the chicken and dusted to the skin level of the chicken. This will kill the lice and mites on the chicken and we have found that it also seems to kill the lice eggs. Nil egg witholding.

    The liquid Maldison 50, can be used at a low concentration on the chicken as a spray or a bath that they can be dipped into. Lice of Tropical Fowl Mite on birds: 500ml Maldison in 100L of water. Spray birds at a rate of 50L per 1000 birds.

    At the stronger concentration and added to a sprayer this product can be sprayed into the pen and on the perches to eradicate the pests. Lice and mites in poultry houses: Mix 500ml Maldison in 25L of water to spray nesting boxes, litter and walls. Mix 500ml Maldison in 8L water to paint onto roosts. Repeat applications in 8-14 days to destroy lice hatching from eggs present at first treatment.

    Poultry Dust:

    David Grays Poultry Dust is great for the prevention and control of poultry parasites such as fleas, flies, ticks, ticks and mites. This poultry dust is applied between birds feathers, bird roosts and building crevices and is especially useful during those high-risk periods like summer time or as all season preventative. Active constituent: 20g/kg Maldison. NIL egg withholding

    Pestene powder:

    How to dust chickens for lice
    Dusting with pestene.

    is effective against lice, mites and fleas in poultry, dogs, cats, horses, calves and goats. Composition: Sulfur 50 g/kg, rotenone 10 g/kg. Pestene can be dusted on the chickens and the perch and nesting box to treat lice and mites. Nil egg witholding.


    Exholt Fluralaner Oral Solution for Chickens, is a break-though new product approved for use in poultry in Australia. New from MSD Animal Health, Exzolt is an innovative, easy-to-use, effective and safe parasiticide for chickens that eliminates 99%+ of Poultry Red Mites (D. Gallinae) and Northern Fowl Mites (O. Sylviarum) by systematically treating host birds via drinking water.

    Staldren powder:

    is a pen disinfectant powder that can be safely used in your pen in place of lime while the chickens are about as it will not burn their feet. This product reduces the smells in the pen as reduces ammonia levels and helps to reduce fly numbers. Staldren also treats red mites that may be in the litter of the pen. Pleasant smelling and helps with wet, damp pens.

    Builders Lime:

    can be used in pens under clean bedding. Care should be taken with amount and to cover as this can burn the feet of the flock Will help reduce smells in the pen.

    Diatomaceous Earth:

    can help control parasites, it can be added to dust baths and used on the chickens. Care must be taken to not have the chicken inhale the dust as it can be detrimental. Diatomaceous earth is not poisonous; it does not have to be eaten in order to be effective. Diatomaceous earth causes insects to dry out and die by absorbing the oils and fats from the cuticle of the insect’s exoskeleton. Its sharp edges are abrasive, speeding up the process. It remains effective as long as it is kept dry and undisturbed. If you use DE directly on the poultry and don’t get immediate results you will need to use pestene or maldison as a lice or mite infestation can stop your flock laying.

    Dust baths:

    A perfectly dug out dust bath.

    help prevent parasites but they won’t deal with an existing infestation quickly enough – for that you’ll need to directly treat the flock. You can add cold wood ash to the dust bath area to also help the flock as it dusts.


    Coopex can be sprayed in the pen, when the flock is out free ranging for the day. It will kill pests in the pen. Not to be used directly on the chickens.

    Incubators Now Available

    Hand turn 60 Egg Incubator with accuract thermostat. These simple and reliable egg incubators are perfect for families and households that want to start incubating chickens, ducks and goose. The simplicity design and functions let the kids and family to learn the basics of incubating. With clear plastic construction on top, monitoring the hatching process is convenient and easily.

    This incubator is designed for hatching approx 60 chicken eggs or 30 goose eggs. Features:Turbo fan for even temperature, temperature control panel with LED display, water compartment for humidity control, see through design for easy monitoring. Australia Standard Plug. Incubators carry a 6 month limited warranty.

    How to Clean a Chicken Pen

    Here is a link to our latest YouTube on how to clean out your chicken pen.

    We think that at least every 3 months chicken pens need a good clean. We move the chickens out for the day while we clean their house. We remove the items from the pen. Remove the old bedding, spray with Maldison 50, dust with disinfectant powders. We then replace bedding, perches (which we dust for mites) and return feeders nesting boxes and water.

    You can purchase the items from our online store.

    Wyandottes – our newest breed

    Thanks to a dear friend for my birthday gift of some beautiful gold laced wyandottes.

    We will add these ladies eggs to our incubator and hope to be able to offer them for sale to our customers.

    Stay tuned.