The Australorp
Australorps are frequently overlooked by many poultry keepers but it has so many good things going for it! It is a hardy bird that is happy free ranging, is docile and good with children (even if a little heavy to lift up) and is a good egg-layer as well as being a reasonable size white skinned meat bird. Being fast growers, they reach point of lay at about 24 to 26 weeks of age. Australorps will generally not fly very high, making fencing easier. Click for more details
Light Sussex
Light Sussex chickens are up right alert, and usually docile. The Sussex Chicken has a wide, flat back, a deep breast, 45 degree tail and broad shoulders. They have a single comb and red ear lobes and comb. They are good foragers and a delight to see in the paddock. Light Sussex are often used to create hybrids chicks, as when crossed with “gold” cockerells, they will produce sex-linked chicks. They may go broody and will moult each year. Click for more details
Dark Barred Plymouth Rock
Plymouth Rocks are large, long-lived chickens and are good layers. They possess a long, broad back; a moderately deep, full breast; and yellow skin and legs. The face of a Plymouth Rock is red with red ear lobes, a bright yellow beak, bay-coloured eyes, and a single comb of moderate size. They are friendly and curious. This breed was developed in America as a dual purpose bird being good layers and good table birds. They are docile and because of their size do not fly well and therefore make great backyard birds. Click for more details
Cream Legbar
Cream Legbars are a small soft feathered chicken who lays a sky blue egg. The offspring are auto-sexing, making them popular to incubate as sex of the chicks can be determined by their colouring. The breed is a rare breed that was developed in England with coloured eggs and crested heads. They are good at free ranging . Click for more details
Gold or Silver Laced Wyandotte
Gold or Silver laced wyandotte chickens are attractive with their beautiful feathers, rose comb, yellow/orange leg and beak colour. They are a great backyard chicken who can make great mothers. Click for more details.
Hyline Brown
Hy-line or Isa browns are an incredibly popular chicken choice and that is mainly because they are the producers of the big brown eggs found on supermarket shelves. We think that Isa Browns have a place in a backyard flock, as they should give you eggs year round, while your pure breeds are molting or going broody. Click for more details
Black Hybrid Australorp
The black hybrid Australorp is an Australorp cross which has produced a very good layer. These birds are distinguished from the pure Australorps by their medium size, some red feathering around the neck and a red (not black) eye. Click for more details
Leghorn Hybrids
The leghorn hybrid hen is developed from the White Leghorn pure breed hen. While the pure breed variety is already a great layer, the hybrid variety is a truly exceptional egg layer. Leghorn Hybrid chickens are excellent layers of white eggs (around 300 + per year) with a superior feed-to egg conversion ratio and excellent liveability. Click for more details
Chinese Silkies
Chinese silkies have many qualities including being pets, brooders and ‘ornamental’ birds.
They are content to be confined, but if allowed to free range are great little foragers. Chinese silkies get their name from their soft feathers which feel like satin or silk. Click for more details