About Us

Rodney Evans and Joanne Evans love sustainable living and fresh eggs.

They think that all households can benefit from keeping chickens.

Rodney Evans comes from a long line of chicken breeders – his grandfather bred & raised chickens in Quakers Hill, NSW during 1910-1950.

The business transitioned to Rodney’s father Len, who was involved in extensive breeding  and poultry farming until the mid 1980s. When Rodney first started with chickens in early 2000 it was with just a few ISA Browns. Breeding and hatching quality poultry comes naturally to him. Rod’s attention to details results in great chickens and great chicken tractors, as he is also pretty handy.

Joanne Evans is a practical & earthy person who loves cooking and the outdoors.  Joanne believes that if you can grow your own food and or if you are aware of how and where it was grown, then you are healthier person. Joanne is of Italian heritage and loves to whip up fresh egg pasta or some other culinary delight. She is quick with a chicken hook and at spotting a rooster in a crowd.

We are seeing an lot of interest and calls from families wanting to keep chickens. Most have fond memories of when they were kids and their parents or grandparents had chickens in the back yard.

Everyday we are talking to people looking to keep chickens and asking questions on how to go about it. Some just can’t quite remember the process and need a little refreshing; many are starting out and needing a little reassurance and advice. All want to produce their own fresh tasting food and recycle their scraps and create a little peck of kindness for their children along the way.

Eggs from backyard chickens are different from those bought at the store (even the free range ones). The fresh yolks are tastier and deeper in colour, thanks to the hens’ access to greens, not to mention bugs and other goodies they snatch up in their foraging.  They keep pest populations down. Turning the chickens loose in the veggie patch is an organic  way to clean it up and prevent pests from surviving over winter.

We offer friendly & helpful service as caring about chooks, their health and happiness is very important to us. We vaccinate all our chickens on our farm located in Maraylya, NSW.


Evans Chicks flyer from 1948
Evans Chicks flyer from 1948
Evans Chicks order form from 1948
Evans Chicks order form from 1948